How did you start making games?

College life was easy and boring. I was just bored and felt like making a game. Looked up videos on how to & taught myself how to code. Created a mobile game and published it to the play store. It was a very simple endless runner, took me ~3 months to learn and build it, working nights & weekends. Now since I went to business school, and everyone there was non-technical, people were just highly impressed that I was able to code and create a game, so it just started spreading like wildfire across my batch. I became the kid who made a game. The whole experience of seeing my friends & a bunch of people playing my game, competing and just sharing it felt really nice. I enjoyed the feeling and I figured I should do more of this.

How’d you transition from finance → Gaming?

In 2021, I was fresh out of college working at Deloitte as an associate analyst while learning how to make games on the side.
I wanted to work with Voodoo.io - at the time they were the biggest hyper-casual game publisher in the world.
At first, they rejected me outright, and rightfully so. It was just me with no team or portfolio.
While I was extremely efficient with my day job at Deloitte, It was still mentally taxing. I decided to take a big step and quit my job against the wishes of my family to go all in into game development.
I spent 3 months living on savings working 16-hour days making games for free and submitting them to Voodoo. I pretended to run a studio and have a team so they would take me seriously. I did everything by myself, the code, art, design, UI UX, animations, modeling, etc. It was the most stressful period in my life, and nothing was guaranteed.
Eventually, they noticed me and offered me an exclusive partnership agreement, where they not only agreed to fund me but also paid me to not make games for anyone else. Ended up working out pretty well for me.

What was your buildspace experience? What was winning it like?

tl;dr: Pretty fkin awesome.
I wrote more about it on my substack

I want to ask you some questions

Either dm me on twitter (@maybePrithvi)
On Sage by buildspace (via buildspace.so) Write to me at prithvi (at) skive (dot) in
but please read https://nohello.net/en/ before you reach out.